mediBall Pro Gym Ball - Australian Made
The mediBall Pro is a high quality swiss ball (fitball), it comes with an exercise DVD & Chart
Latex (Rubber), BPA & Phthalate Free
Made in Australia
Test inflated for your safety.
Recognised Professional's Choice.
Used by Fitness First, Virgin Active & Aust Army.
Used for exercise, the exercise ball challenges your muscles in new ways helping to strengthen and build up the "core" muscles in the body, abdominal, back, buttocks & thighs, which stabilise and play a major role in maintaining good posture, which is so important if we are spending much of our working life in a sitting position.
Using an exercise ball for sitting while at your desk promotes active sitting, where constant small movements in your back, hips, knees and ankles keep you balanced on the ball and helps to strengthen and stabilise an upright posture.
AOK commenced its Swiss ball testing program in 1996 at the University of Newcastle with testing protocols that are considered the best in the world.
Since then mediBall and MaxBall have been tested to ensure product consistency and performance. They have variously supported static loads in excess of 4,000 kilograms and were shown to be burst-resistance with loads exceeding 500 kg. This does not mean puncture proof but helps protect you from explosive deflation. It has also been cyclic tested for durability by loading/unloading 500kg of force in excess of 500 times over a 2 hour period.